Is it a must to change the entire water pump since only driplets of anti-freeze leak out over a 7day period from the bottom of the pump? Can i simply change the gasket and make it all better? Water pump is pumping and making no noise, vehicle isnt over heating.
Unfortunately, this usually requires a new pump. It's possible (but unlikely) that the gasket is leaking - more likely, the seal around the pulley shaft is the problem. Replacement is the only option. Usually, this is done at the same time as the timing belt - has this been done yet? If it was done before you got the car, its possible they tried to save a few bucks by skipping the water pump. This is usually a bad move - the pump almost always wears out at about the same time - but it is cheaper, if they were planning on getting rid of the car soon. And since one usually needs to be removed to access the get the idea. Good luck!
your water weep hole is on bottom of water pump also.if its the water pump weep hole leaking.that signs of water pump shaft bearing is going bad.water pump needs replacing.
water pump is bad if its leaking you need a new pump sooner the better new gasket along with new pump not very offen a water pump gasket will leak and they hardy ever make a sound and will not over heat til it pumps all the coolant out which you dont want which might just cost you a motor you replace whole water pump an d replace with new gasket
That drip is from a weep hole at the bottom (Underside) of the water pump it is designed to start to leak when the bearing on the water pump is wearing out. It will need to be changed. IF it is truly the gasket that is leaking then take the cheap insurance while you have it apart and put a new water pump on anyway. It just may be the best time to do so on a 2002 vehicle and could keep you from having trouble later down the road