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302 which kind of electrode should be used for welding stainless steel with iron?

302 which kind of electrode should be used for welding stainless steel with iron?


302 stainless steel watch to cast iron or wrought iron welding.If with iron welding, WE777 welding rod can be used for iron and stainless steel welding, cold welding welding processIf it can be used for wrought iron, steel, including stainless steel and carbon steel, alloy steel and alloy electrode WE600 dissimilar steel welding.
Stainless steel and cast iron welding, of course, is made of cast iron welding rod, using stainless steel welding rod, crack is not good, and the strength will not be too high. If the connection strength requirements are relatively high, you can choose MG289 welding rod, welding effect must be no problem, welding is to pay attention to the electrode angle can be. Here are the instructions. (now fakes are a lot of care.):MG289High strength alloy for welding of clean cast iron.The weld deposits can be machined.Specially designed for welding unclean and greasy cast iron.Low pressure water welding for cast iron pipes.Alloy metal core design, with unique flux, with the anti crack function.Easy to weld at any position.Purposes such as:- cast iron and steel weldsWelding of different cast irons- drive gear box- grey cast iron, malleable iron or ductile iron
A302 electrode can be cheap and matching, pay attention to welding current as small as possible, the electrode diameter as far as possible the use of small diameter welding rod, welding rod arc heat deviation to the stainless steel side.

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