If I put a 5000 watt solar panel kit on my roof in Dublin (Ireland) - how much electricity would I realistically expect to get?An educated guess at a percentage of 5000w would do.
Do you want a time average? During the winter you will be lucky to average 800 watts daily Summer you could get 2000 watts
Note that aiming is important - the sun is going to be perpendicular to the panels for only a few hours a year unless they are on an adjustable mount, so picking the time you most want power should be a factor in the angle they are mounted at - you can't keep the highest level of sun for summer into the winter time when the sun is much lower in the sky for a shorter time.
This is dependent on sun angle, clear sky, shadow interference, clouds, etc. First if you purchased the PV panels and they are rated for 5 kW, the factory rating is based on a particular incident energy, 000 watts/square meter, 25 degrees C and an AM of .5, reaching the panels. It is more likely that you will not obtain this same level in the open air. If we assume you will get 80%, then the maximum kW would be closer to 4kW. This will be produced during peak, clear days with the panels placed perpendicular to the sun at all times during peak radiance times. When the sun first comes up and later when it is going down, there will be more than the thickness of .5 atmospheres between you and the sun, so the radiant energy hitting the solar panels drops off. Total energy is watts time hours. I would expect you PV system to produce about 750 kW-Hr of energy during a clear summer day at peak solar height. Hope this helps, NewtonLaw