How can I keep my 90lb Lab from sleeping on my sofa when I leave the house? Any advice?
You can't!!! I tried and tried to keep my lab/pit mix off of the couch and it was impossible. He never ever messed up anything but he did sleep on the couch. We finally gave him and purchased his very own love seat and wow what a happy dog he was. We had him for almost 14 years and had to have him put down due to hip and leg pain from arthritis. He was fat and happy. He weighed around 130 lbs and was strong as an ox, but was sweet and loveable. Go ahead and give in and let that dog sleep on the couch or buy him his very own. You know you could purchase one that is child size and see if he will sleep on it. It would be worth a try!!
1. Lock the dog in the garage, bedroom, or other room. 2. Get rid of the couch. 3. There are chemical sprays that dogs hate that people can not smell. Saturate the couch with that stuff and the dog will sleep elsewhere. Make sure you provide him something to sleep on. If you give him a doggy bed with old used sheets off your bed, that definitely will be smell he will like better.
Use babygates to keep your dog out of the room the sofa is in. Though, depending on the size and tenacity of your dog this might not work. I agree with the person that suggested just putting an old blanket over the couch when you're gone. Solves your problem nd your dog still has his couch to sleep on. :)
You can train a dog to not sleep on your furniture, but if your dog is not being destructive and not getting on the sofa when you are there, you might consider covering it with an old quilt or blanket that you can remove when you get home.