911 conspiacy theorists. Can fire melt steel?
Don't know the differences in steel strength between the WTC towers and the bridge, but I'll tell you they don't always use the strongest steel in buildings. It is a question of value engineering. Engineers do as code requires, and make the determination based on economics of building. If a steel member requires say 48 KSI, with certain span, but if the price is less expensive to use 35 KSI and reduce the span by adding vertical elements then that is an option that the architects, engineers and developers consider. Like I said, don't much about bridge engineering, but in buildings, it isn't always the strongest steel, based on engineering and economics. And BTW, said time and time again, but ok one more time. STEEL DOESN'T NOT HAVE TO MELT FOR FAILURE. IT LOSES STRENGTH WITH HEAT. THAT IS WHY IT MUST BE PROTECTED BY FIRE RETARDANT. BUT IF THE FIRE RETARDANT IS REMOVED BY EXPLOSION, THEN FIRE CAN CAUSE FAILURE. Sorry for the shouting, but I'm not the only one who says that, but people keep saying steel can't melt, but it doesn't have to for failure. If the steel joist had been in concrete, the WTC towers may have stood, at least longer. But hindsight is 20/20.
So does fuel also generate timed explosions that were heard by firemen? Why do we see melting steel that looks like thermite burning? Does the jet fuel also destroy the entire 80 stories of steel support structure as well? (This is required to account for the free-fall speed of the collapse of three buildings. That's right, three buildings collapsed at near free-fall speeds in NYC in the WTC complex.) The government's conspiracy theory is totally inconsistent with the facts. The only theory that has coherence at the moment is the demolition theory presented by Professor Steven Jones of BYU (Physics). I've seen no credible challenges to the 13 points he presented in an academic paper on this topic. I'd very much like to see a credible explanation for the free-fall collapse of all three buildings.
They can't melt that fast At that temperature, the fire caused by the jet's fuel didn't hot enough to melt the concrete steel. As you see in the video the flame took only 20 minutes. The heat is not fast enough to penetrate all fragment of the concrete steel from top to the foundation, steel is not a good heat conductor like the iron. The explosion only took 5 stories, even all flame in all stories will take 4 hours to melt the core - in this case the core is the worst quality alloy which I don't think is used by WTC. The speed of the falling of WTC building was way too fast. It only took about 9.5 seconds. As an illustration, we throw an object - no matter the weight from the top of WTC, let's count how long it takes from the top to the ground as easy as senior high physics. We took the height of as h = 526.3 m, the gravity 9.8 m/s^2 then apply them to the Newton's equations, h = 1/2*g*t^2 then t = sqrt(2*h/g) = sqrt(526.3/9.8) = 7.32 seconds. The difference is just 2.2 seconds. The resistance of the concrete and solid materials should give at least 200% of the fall duration. WTC's 9.5 secs to fall is even faster a ball sliding on its wall from top the ground. I don't know what happened there. But my Basic Physics lecturer at first grade in my college -who concentrates in Materials- said that it is very odd that the flame burning 5 stories (at most 2% of 110 stories WTC) took only 20 minutes to melt the core of 30% after explosion top stories' core. A friend of mine, got summa cumlaude Bsc in civil engineering - concentrated in structure, said that the pan cake fall has never occured before due to fire causes. If the heat is hot enough to melt the core then the building should bend forward at a broad angle because the strain caused by the heat is not uniformly distributed along the building's core - remember steel is not a good heat conductor. I'm not speculatiing, but 9/11 is an odd tragedy