A fire hose held near the ground shoots water at a speed of 6.3 m/s.At what angles should the nozzle point in order that the water land 2.0 m away?I can get to .4938 sin (2theta)How am I supposed to get two angles out of that?
It just scared the cat. No big deal
Like 1st reply, can damage anyone with hearing their ears!!!
if you are in America and do not have a union contract or personal contract, yes it is legal. Employer is free to make such a decision on any basis it wishes, so long as the basis is not discriminatory in protected ways [race, ethnicity, etc.]
Most in-home alarm sirens are limited to about 100db, which, while loud, is not going to damage hearing (yours, or your cats) in limited exposure. But we have seen pets freak out a bit before - and my own cat had the same issue. She recovered fully!
probably not. but that fire will f*ck your cat up for sure