A neutral atom of Aluminum has 14 neutrons and 13 protonsHow many electrons does this Aluminum have?
I put paraffin in the frosting that is blended into the crumbled cake!! That makes it set up really fast and doesn't have to be refrigerated either!! dip the sticks into the frosting and let them drya little further down the stick than where you plan to form the cake ball plastic gloves will allow you to form the cake around the stick then set it on its head with its stick in the airlet dry now you can start dipping the cake pops in the icing or melts with paraffin addedI have a styrofoam block we put the sticks intoSometimes we double dip the pops or triple dip them for the best finishParaffin is a wax from the petroleum industry that is edibleIt is sold in little bars in the canning section of the grocery storeIt has been used forever by professional candy makers to both thin the dipping substance and to make the coating set hard at room temperatureThis is why we don't have all dipped candy bars in refrigerator sections!! Paraffin is also known as canning wax to be put on top of jellies, jams and marmalades among other goodies of the home canned variety.
Neutral means no net chargeNet charge is what you have when you add all the positive and negative chargeSo, for this neutral atom, there would be 13 electrons to balance the 13 protons13+ plus 13- zeroNeutrons are neutral, so they don't affect the net charge.