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A pen and paper paint with good sketch paper?

A pen and paper paint with good sketch paper?


Pens and pen with smooth paper for example of this kind of A4
Also a between sketch paper and printing paper properties on the market, this is not very smooth is not very rough paper, pens and water strokes is the most appropriate, as part of the original illustration and animation are used that kind of paper!
Needle pen is characterized by fine, small amount of water. The pen is also less water. Sketch paper is rough. Why is it called sketch paper? Because of its rough texture, the adsorption capacity of lead is stronger. Then, drawing paper and printing this smooth paper, compared to water absorption. Like the pens and the pen pen to sketch a small amount of water on a piece of paper it costs the pen, the effect is not very good. If you use printed paper, this smooth one works faster, but it also grasps the properties of the paper! Because of the smooth paper on water is not easy to absorb, so too much moisture, the paper will Zou's.!

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