A window washer is standing on a scaffold supported by a vertical rope at each end. The scaffold weighs 200 N and is 3.00 m long. What is the tension in each rope when the 700 N worker stands 1.00 m from one end?Please help me.
Draw the picture ie Free Body Diagram ALWAYS!! Sum Fx = 0 Sum Fy = 0 Sum Moments = 0 Take moments about one end. I choose the left end and put the window washer 1 m from the left end.====> Tension in left rope goes through the left end ==> lever arm has length=0 ===> moment from left rope = 0 Moment from window washer: 1 m * 700 N = 700 N-m clockwise Moment from weight of scaffold: 1.5 m * 200 N = 300 N-m clockwise (Center of gravity in center of scaffold) Your question says 190 N your question statement says 200 N. NOTE I solved for 200 N Total clockwise moment 700 + 300 = 1000 N-m CW Right rope must supply that Lever arm = 3 m * 1000 N-m = 3m * T T = 333.33 N UP Total force down = 200 + 700 = 900 N ===> Tension in left rope: 900 - 333.33 = 566.67 N