This is a motor from a sliding gate, I noticed that it was not working properly, so i opened it and put it into manual mode(releasing the load and making it move freely) but then once it is turned on it it rotates a little and then stops again a little , stop and then works ok and when it is turned off it runs for another small time. Before it worked perfectly fine. Is this a problem with the capacitor? Thanks
Verify your motor is wired correctly as your information supplied with the motor or not.
Definitely sounds more mechanical than electrical, to me. A failed cap. would certainly make the motor work badly, but it wouldn't do OK one moment and not the next.
may be due to oldage so clean and do well lubricants
It sounds like the symptoms of age actually; but even so the cause is really the starter cap, or mechanical binding. I would clean and lubricate the moving parts and replace the capacitor.