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Air conditioning use how long and snow?

Air conditioning use how long and snow?


1, missed to add, add fluoride regardless of three to five years. Just missed to add, that is afraid of you just bought not used, as long as the fluorine a leak that must have to add to the refrigeration. 2, because of the fluorine is easy to miss, the fear of the air conditioning in the copper tube, especially the corner and junction, or even a little crack defects such as sand holes, fluorine would be in a very short period of time all miss! 3, air conditioning in the selection of quality in the process of manufacturing may never add fluoride or add fluoride is relatively long some shorter conversely some useless to a summer even missing. 4, leaking air conditioning is it possible to have fluorine: one is to look at the presence of refrigeration, the refrigeration effect how? 2 it is to see the fan blow an outdoor wind is cold, if boot in cooling mode, the fan blowing outward or outdoor air cooling, it can be omitted to fluorine. Three is to see whether the air conditioning in the use of water, without running water, that can be omitted to fluorine, four is After listening to air conditioning in the use of stop the moment, there are no water in the machine using sound, not possible Is the leakage fluorine. (above whether air conditioning leakage fluorine in fact is not very accurate air conditioning not refrigeration not only is it a possible leakage fluorine also cause air conditioning or refrigeration is bad not many such as compressor is broken filter clogging and so on.)
If it is newly bought 1 year commonly ~ but want to see you the last time I added many generalisations
Air conditioning how long need to add fluoride is a direct relationship between the and the installation of air conditioning, installation of good a don't need to add five to six years. Your air conditioning not refrigeration also is not necessarily the lack of fluorine. If you can check our before please maintenance workers to: 1. Look at the air filter dirty don't dirty 2. Let me check if the voltage is normal. 3. See if both inside and outside fan operation. 4. Listen to the outdoor compressor is working. If you check if the normal, wonder if leakage fluorine, before adding fluorine must check the freon missing from there, otherwise even added also use for a long time not appear the same problem again.

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