Can I smoke out of a water bottle with it or something?
Obviously, the answer is a definite yes! What would be the benefit of keeping a shard of glass in his calf? Aside from the discomfort, it could cause infection or other complicationsThe removal would be relatively quick and painless, and done under a local anesthetic such as novocaine, so I would recommend seeing the doctor as soon as possible.
Well as long as it gets down your esophagus you might be ok your stomach acid will soften it and the remaining metal will passBut if you still feel it going down your esophagus or start to spit up blood go to a doctor immediately.
not much you can do about it other than wait for it to pass, which it should do in 72 hoursMonitor your stool, if it turns black and tarry, you have internal gastric bleeding and need to see a doc right away.
Take aluminum foil (tin foil), poke holes in it, stuff it inside the bowl in the shape the inside of the bowl is, put bud in it, then smoke it like if it was a pipe.