having trouble looking for tis information, don't know where to look.Is aluminum accessible to everyone?? Does it cost a lot, is it in minimal areas if so is it hard to transport to all around the world??
the same way steel does s it is very different in a bunch of way
Aluminum is one of earths most common metals can be found just about any were is light and melts fast thats why it,s used for drinking can,s and doe,s not subside to rust right away cost of aluminum oney a matter of how much prossing is done to it and if being mixed with other metal to make it stronger
I can't understand you question.do you mean how aluminum works?
I like this answer - Aluminum is one of earths most common metals can be found just about any were is light and melts fast thats why it,s used for drinking can,s and doe,s not subside to rust right away cost of aluminum oney a matter of how much prossing is done to it and if being mixed with other metal to make it stronger