
aluminum vssteel?

I have a mountain bike w/ 26quot; wheelsMy question is what's the biggest difference between aluminum vssteel? If most of my riding is off-road, wouldn't the steel wheels be stronger/more durable?


It would dehydrate you.the fat loss would be too small too measure
I think that method would not yield any significant results, whatever results it does yield would be very temporary, and you'd basically be really uncomfortable for no good reason.
You would think that is the case, right? Well, it isn'tSteel rims are necessarily made of very thin sheetThis sheet, when formed into a rim tends to dent very easilyOn top of that, because the material is so thin it can and does flex- a lotAluminum rims on the other hand are formed by a process called extrusionbasically, a big block of material is shoved through a die (think PlayDoh shape maker) and then formed into rimsThis forming process along with the stiffer nature of aluminum (in this instance) makes an aluminum rim far stronger and far lighter than a steel counterpart.

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