Do we have nukes my teacher said we didn't but I thout we did.... if north Korea nuked us would we nuke them back???
Yes, we do. Quite a lot of them actually. GB Major, Sqdn Cmdr, USAF, 1960-74 (former B-52 Navigator)
atomic bombs were invented in america. They were used to destroy Two japanese cities hiroshima and nagasaki. it ended WW II. Nuclear Bombs are basicly the newer tech. The united states has Nuclear weapons. A large amount of them. I hope that all the leaders in the world have more sense than to unleash that madness.
1) Your teacher is a moron. The US has THOUSANDS of nuclear weapons. We have the second most in the world. Russia having the most. 2) N Korea has an estimated 3 nuclear devices. NONE of which they can deliver to the US.
Of course the US have nukes, they have the silo based ones in the centre of the US at three bases, but the majority are in subs and available to the AF at some of their airbases in storage. I would hope the US will not nuke them back and rely on intercepters to take them out en route to the Weat coast. The US has Alaska, Vandenburg, and now Guam with Patriots, and no doubt the USN will have a few cruisers on allert and there are also the defences on Hawaii and Midway. The likely targets will be Japan and the South Kore, and it would be up to them to call on nuke retaliation, or not, and I imagine there will be a few subs on patrol now, readying their launch procedures There are a couple of B2s Forward deployed to Guam, but I imagine they will be conventionally arm and that if a nuke strike is called for they will fly out from Missouri As far as I am aware there are no US nukes off-shore except aboard the subs and at no forward bases, although at these times it will not take long to sent some there. Chetak