Brian Urlacher is extremely experienced and played football his whole life I'm sure. Umaga however, is the Samoan BullDozer.
If the entire match was scripted and the outcome pre-determined then Umaga, if the match was real, and the outcome real and real drug-testing took place, Urlacher!!
ok. seriously. brian plays 4 da bears. da bears are the best team in football, they just don't want to win ALL the time. wrestling sucks. so i'm going w/ the urlachers.
Well considering Brian Urlacher is one of the best MLB in the game he would win against Jon Cena who fake wrestles.
Football is a contact sport, WWE is about as real as hair extensions. A wrestler turned pro football player got cut from the Minnesota Vikings despite being massive in size, Brock Lessner. JBL also failed to make the Oakland Raiders and the Rock would've played for the Miami Hurricanes. Notice a trend?
This question is so funny. I'm actually in a fantasy football league for WWE fans, and my team name is Samoan Bulldozers. I think one Umaga could take a team of Urlachers. The Cenas would be crushed.