Analyze and compare Panasonic, SONY and these two brands
Camera seems to be more famous in China, SONY, in fact, in Japan and around the world, Panasonic more popular and more favorable, last year, the Japanese camera industry concerns, the first is Panasonic 4/3 system camera. Also, in the world top five hundred enterprises of electronic appliances industry, in fact, Hitachi, Matsushita SONY front row.
In fact, VHS and BETA can be seen in the battle of Matsushita did not take SONY as a competitor, the competition format, like today's Blu ray and HDDVD, PS3 and X360, each playing slobber war! When SONY engineers Matsushita VHS tells pointing to the shortcomings, Konosuke Matsushita comments on the BETA is that the other's things we don't need to comment, but SONY do really good! Only this one word, can reflect the Panasonic completely to SONY as a rival!
The two companies compared to what? The wily business strategy of Matsushita, in the industry standard format customization, Matsushita to participate in the formulation of industry standards have failed, visible LaoLa means and the predictability of the prospective Panasonic accurate! And Matsushita in the new century change strategy, follow up the change of role from market leaders the role to the market, in the increasingly fierce competition in the market could reduce the risk of competition, reduce production costs and maximize profits!
Don't know how to play? Than company size, Panasonic far more than SONY (Matsushita currently the world's largest consumer electronics manufacturers), than the brand awareness, SONY slightly ahead of Matsushita (SONY started the fashion technology route, in 80s won the consumer electronic products - main user group of teenagers)