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Answer and explanation for this LSAT Logical Reasoning question?

Comets do not give off their own light but reflect light from other sources, such as the Sun. Scientists estimate the mass of comets by their brightness: the greater a comet's mass, the more light that comet will reflect. A satellite probe, however, has revealed that the material of which Halley's comet is composed reflects 60 times less light per unit of mass than had been previously thought.The statements above, if true, give the most support to which one of the following?A) Some comets are composed of material that reflects 60 times more light per unit of mass that the material of which Halley's comet is composed.B) Previous esitmates of the mass of Halley's comet which were based on its brightness were too low.C) The total amount of light reflected from Halley's comet is less that scientists had previously thought.D) The reflective properties of the material which comets are composed vary considerably from comet to comet.E) Scientists need more info before


go to your optition and sort it out there their is a boy in my swimming squad and he has goggles that are like looking through his goggles
When I needed prescription goggles as a kid, I got these huge things that all the other kids automatically made fun of me for. Ever since, I just didn't wear anything. I am nearsighted, so I could see the wall in front of me. That's all you need to see really. Otherwise, prescription goggles have come down in price and size lately.
It’s a region of space where a lot of matter is compressed to such a small volume that the gravitational pull is so strong that not even light can escape it. When I say a lot of matter, I mean more than a million times the mass of our sun. The speed of light must be equal to the pull of a black holes gravity, that's why the light can not escape the black hole. It's not a hole; even though it's called a hole and it's not going to suck us in one day. Black holes do not suck they pull, as in the pull of gravity. Everything gets pulled to a single point, and eventually becomes part of the black holes matter, making the black hole even more massive and powerful.
I know for a fact that both The Grateful Dead and The Allman Brothers Band do allow taping,but I'm not too sure on videotaping.
You can get prescription goggles. They would be more pricey. I found a site that gives searches across multiple brands, but they all seem quite expensive. Maybe you can get cheaper ones at local store. XR

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