Antiseptic wood GB specifications are thick
There is no standard, according to customer preferences
One, 4 meters length specifications (thickness * width * length 4000, unit mm)
1,15 * 50,15 * 95
2,21 * 50,21 * 70,21 * 95,21 * 120
3,25 * 95
4,28 * 95,28 * 120,28 * 150
5,30 * 50
6,38 * 95,38 * 120,38 * 150
7,40 * 60
8,45 * 45,45 * 70,45 * 95,45 * 120,45 * 150
9,55 * 120
10,65 * 65
11,70 * 150,70 * 200
12,95 * 95
13,100 * 150,100 * 200
14,120 * 120
15,150 * 150
16,200 * 200
Two, 3 meters length specifications (thickness * width * length 3000, unit mm)
1,21 * 95,21 * 120
2,28 * 95,28 * 120
3,45 * 95,45 * 120,45 * 150
4,55 * 120
5,70 * 150
6,95 * 95
7,100 * 200
8,120 * 120
9,150 * 150
10,200 * 200
Three, 6 meters length specifications (thickness * width * length 6000, unit mm)
1,75 * 150
2,100 * 200
We are in Russia to buy camphor pine are bought logs, and then their own materials, standing with 10 * 10,12 * 12,15 * 15,2.5 * 9.5,5 * 12,4 * 6,4 * 12,2 * 9.5,3 * 4,3 * 5,1.5 * 9.5 cm. The length of the words is three meters, four meters, six meters, too long to be unstable.
However, other species, the United States South pine, the European pine, pineapple grid, mountain camphor wood trees Eucalyptus These are directly imported from foreign countries of the material, specifications are more fixed, for the British units.