hi! today me and my classmates took the AP English Language and Composition Test. Halfway thru my 1st of 3 essays, all of which i had planned what i was going to write and was totally prepared and into it, the fire alarm began to blare. the teacher in charge had us go outside. we were all freaking out because i am pretty sure that we are supposed to retake the entire test if we are interrupted b/c of the possibility that while we were all outside, students may have discussed the test. we finished the essays after the alarm was over, but are they gonna make us retake the test?
We all did stupid things we're not particularly proud of. Remember and find comfort in the fact she did that BEFORE she had met you.. so really, it shouldn't matter to you. She made a stupid mistake, forget it, trust her and move on. PS: Only go to third base with her if YOU want to and not because she did it with some other guy.
get them custom made from home depot. they aren't that pricey and won't look near as bad as suction cups