Depending on temperature.Like plasma states.Or Bose-Ein
Not all rats will use a wheel, but if they do its fine. Yours seem to be enjoying it ] Wheels really don't make that much noise normally.
This Site Might Help You. RE: Do rats need running wheels? i have a wheel in my rat cage but when they run on it it makes an extremely annoying sound. it's especially annoying when i try to sleep b/c the cage is right next to me. do they really need that wheel?
Gravity might be a replacement word for magnetic. There was a great video about a gravity tractor that could be used to steer asteroids away from Earth. A rocket, or pod of some kind, that weighs much less than an asteroid, would fly parallel to the asteroid. Then, the rocket would slowly change course. Through gravity, the asteroid would be pulled by the rocket. :)
No, not all elements are magnetic, but many elements and some compounds are paramagnetic, that is, they have one or more unpaired electrons and are attracted to magnetic fields. A much smaller number of elements are ferromagnetic, iron and cobalt are examples. Ferromagnetic elements can be magnetized to form permanent magnets.
All elements are not magnetic. All materials are influenced differently by the presence of a magnetic field. Some are attracted to a magnetic field called paramagnetism; others are repulsed by it, called diamagnetism; still others have a much more complex relationship with an applied magnetic field (e.g., spin-glass behavior and antiferromagnetism). Substances that are negligibly affected by magnetic fields are considered non-magnetic: these are copper, aluminum, gases, and plastic. Pure oxygen exhibits magnetic properties when cooled to a liquid state.