I am wondering if Boost mobile phones are traceable caues my car may be repossessed soon and I wanted to know if they can trace where i am through my cell. Help please?
Boost mobiles phones are not traceable but there is a software that you can download and subscribe on Boost Mobile network where you and your friends can know whether each person is located if you have to be a public place and want to meet with each other. Another thing is no one can trace your whereabouts without your consent and authorization. The only way for a company or law enforcement to know your whereabouts through a cell phone is for them to have a court madandated supeona to the cell phone company ordering them to located you through your cell phone by locating your position on the closest cell towers.
no im sorry / ive dealt with this, I easily have verizon and that i needed tmobile. with a view to try this you may have a sim card from verizon, and their telephones dont have sim enjoying cards / sorry, your merely gonna could get boosttt or somethingh /