and tell me whycuz me and my bro have been arguing over it
Depends what you're comparing it to. They are better for the environment than gas cars, but worse than electric cars. But most importantly, they're completely impractical. Honda is hoping to get the cost of their fuel cell car down below $100k in the next decade. Yes that's right
It chemically takes more energy to create hydrogen than it will produce in a fuel cell. However when you think that automobile engines and coal plants are only 20-40% efficient, fuel cells start to look better. The problem is how you're creating the hydrogen. It's cheaper to create hydrogen from petroleum than it is from electrolyzing water into H and O, so that's what companies do. It also takes a lot of energy, and is that electricity coming from a coal-burning plant, nuclear plant, wind power, solar power? It would work well in places like iceland, where that have tons of geothermal heat, and not a large population. They could produce hydrogen very cheaply, with little/no pollution. Not so in the US where over 75% of electricity comes from burning of coal.