I bought some tapers at this place at the mall and I looked at the receipt and it said 'plastic'. The tapers are 5/8quot; and see thru blue. How do I know if they are plastic or acrylic?
If it says plastic, then more than likely it's plastic. If it says acrylic, then its acrylic. Although some plastic and acrylic stuff do look alike, but its easy to tell from the difference by touch. Plastic is usually really easy to brake and crack *that's how i'm able to tell if it's plastic or not).. If you're looking to stretch up to 5/8, you should be taping by now. Tapers become more complicated in the inches. Just add some layers of teflon tape to your 9/16 plugs and you'll be 5/8 in no time.. Its more easier and pain free. Some people use electrical tape, but i would recommend teflon any day... But anyways hope that answered your question about plastic and acrylic materials... (:
If it says made of plastic its made of plastic.If it says made of acrylic its made of acrylic.As long as your ears are healed theyre fine to wear.
Plastic is the same thing as acrylic.... And it's not appropriate to stretch with at all. Plus at this size you really should be doing the taping method to stretch, not using tapers. And I don't know what Dominique is talking about them being safe to wear as tapers shouldn't be worn as jewelry.