i recently installed a Kerr wood boiler in my house. I used it for 40 days to date. My last electric bill came and the bill was 40 dollars higher than the previous months. was wonderin if wood boilers use much electricity?
Depends, does electricity exist? If so, we'd probably use high compression steam or other gas to power many things. However, the Internet, tv, and fm Radio would not exist. Surprisingly, am and shortwave radio would work, if radioactive diodes were used. If electriciy simply didn't exist, life would be totally changed. Life would not exist. Everything would be A mass of random protons and neutrons, the universe would look pike a giant could, however, light and such wouldn't exist either, so nothing would be visiable. In short, we'd have universe soup.
Well, the best answer i can offer would be to look at your boilers energy requirements, for example the kw that whatever motors or devices that control it require and calculate that by your energy providers kw rate, but i would have assumed the power for a boiler would be minimal and save you money not cost you extra, it seems like that is the attraction to a wood boiler over gas or electric. I would call the manufacturer and see what they estimate the consumption to be that just doesnt sound right