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Are you alarmed that an American politician could refer to himself as a citizen of the world?

I speak today as both a citizen of the United States and of the world. I come with the heartfelt wishes of my people for peace, bearing honest proposals and looking for genuine progress. - Ronald Reaganhttp://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=42644Is this dangerous talk for someone representing the USA?


We are all citizens of the world. You are taking what he said completely out of context of the message he was trying to say. Americans say that all people are created equal and have the inalienable right of the life liberty and pursuit of happiness. Your worldview might be that people around the world have lives similar to yours. well, it is not true. our democracy wasnt handed down by some god or something. The American people of the time, had to fight to the death for it. Every man woman and child. His message was more one that all people have these rights. Whether or not they are American. It kinda alarms me that you might be selfish enough to not be concerned if other people live in inhuman conditions as long as you are ok. I don't think it is our duty to save the world. But I hope people in other nations who live under harsh states of slavery can find the strength and are aware enough to want basic human rights.
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No. Last time I checked, the USA didn't exist in a bubble. Read a book or paper (not your local daily news) and see what's going on in the world. We are all connected. We are all citizens of our cities/towns, state, country and world.
Absolutely not. If any people in this country would say otherwise about themselves, they're just missing the boat. We're all citizens of the world, and have been since the first trade route was established. The instant something I do depends upon, affects, or is affected by something somebody else does somewhere else in the world, I become a citizen of a wider territory, of a less bounded nation. In an era of globalization, we all belong to the same nation--humanity. Political divisions exist for the convenience of those with political power.
Hoist by their own petard, as the saying goes. Good job. And I have to say no I am not alarmed so my answer won't be deleted as not an answer.

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