I have a 8 inch arowana.. what do they prefer? lights on or off?
Lighting is a key area in order to highlight your arowana in its full glory. Good lighting accentuates the colors of your arowana. Red or pinkish lighting is normally preferred as it brings out the redness of the arowana better. Try to avoid too strong lighting for an arowana setup as it would encourage algae growth. A simple fluorescent light would suffice for most arowana tank setups. Artificial light in aquariums is usually for us to view the fish, if they receive a natural light source (not direct sunlight) then they know that its day or night. If you have artificial light because of plants then it is necessary to try reproducing the plants natural light spectrum to stimulate growth. Fish are aware of movement outside of the tank, if you can, position the tank in an area of the house where there is the least amount of people traffic. Having the light on directly above the tank also reduces the amount of visibility the fish have through the glass, this would depend on the amount of light that is available in the room the aquarium is in. Good luck with a beautiful fish.
Fish don't have a preference whether they want the light on that is down to us but all fish should have some light every day
It does not matter if the light is on or not.But if you in it,the colour will be nicer.