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Artificial stone has a taste of how to do?

My kitchen artificial stone countertops, in the house after three months of ventilation and taste, what way to clear?


We are the production of artificial stone manufacturers, artificial stone taste will not stay for so long, unless it is inferior, in the production of formaldehyde! The The Or the taste of the cabinet, the cabinet should be more likely to some!
There is artificial stone powder in the kitchen Artificial stone countertops at the time of installation Produce a lot of powder these powder if the accumulation in the cabinet underground will have a taste Of course this is less likely Take a way to pick up your sleeves
Artificial stone is inferior Take a way: to find a knowledgeable friends to see if it is bad product immediately immediately replaced
May be the taste of acid glass glue Take a way to change the neutral performance of good glass glue (PS: glass gel dry in 24 hours)

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