I have been thinkingThe max you can go over a speed bump with comfort towards you and your car is 20mph.We all know that going slower than the speed limit is more dangerous than going the equal amount of speed higher. So why are there speed bumps in 30mph zones when they are forcing you to do 20mph. I personally think they should ban all speed bumps and just put speed cameras because the constant accelerating and decelerating is causing your car to emit more emissions.What do you think?
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Chances are if it's a newer model It has a spark igniter.No pilot.And no If it does not light it doesn't just keep pumping gaslol It should be pretty easy to diagnose the problem bc you can hear the burner ignite on a gas dryer.So the first thing is just stand there and listen when you turn it on. If it doesn't light then obviously you have a problem in the ignition system somewhere.Not really a DIY thing. If it ignites for a minute or two and goes out.Then I would check the vent hose to see if it's clogged somehow.Bc if it can't vent exhaust This will cause it to go out too.Also check for a buildup of lint.Not just in the lint trap but inside around the drum too.