I've never heard of it before- but I would be more interested in dying the upholstery to the sofa if possible. I have a Hoover steam cleaner with and upholstery attachment that normally does a GREAT job, but this sofa is nearly white. With a mechanic for a husband and 4 cats, it just isn't working but the couch itself is in good shape and I can't afford to pay someone to reupholster it or buy a new one. I've also tried every cleaner possible, and even if there was something out there that would work the maintenance is just way to much to keep up with in my household!I already have spent quite a bit on several different sofa covers- nice name brand ones too, Unfortunately I really really don't like them because the shape of the sofa. None of them look right at ALL and ALL of them, even when they claim they shouldn't, just slip all over the place and look even worse!Does anyone know if there is a dye that I could use to darken up the entire sofa so stains won't look as bad
I have a great solution, and although it sounds outlandish, it works perfectly, and looks awesome, if you are willing to go darker and the fabric is a natural fiber, like cotton. I am a decorator and I have done this to my own couch, which was a LOUD 1970's white ,lime green and chartreuse botanical, and is now a handsome looking batik-style chocolate and tan, so I am not off my rocker. I swear! Go to walmart and buy all the SCUFF COVER shoe polish they have in a color you like. Dampen your cushions one side at a time with a damp washcloth, not too wet at all, just slightly damp. Dab the scuff cover on, using a random pattern, filling everything in. It will make strong circular patterns if the fabric is completely dry. Try to go slow and prevent drips with the damp rag. If there is any pattern on the sofa, the dye will still reflect the pattern, just changing the color entirely. It seems impossible, but this technique DOES NOT get hard and stiff. The fabric truly retains it's original texture and softness. Also...it does NOT rub off AT ALL. It's very color-fast. Not one soul will believe what you did. I saved the bottom corner of one of my cushions untouched just to prove to people what my couch used to look like. It takes about 15 bottles to do a large sofa, or about $50 bucks. My mom, who is also a decorator, concieved this technique, and I have never seen anyone else who does it, besides us. I can take the ugliest sofas with good bones still-decent (if obnoxious) fabric and turn them into real stunners. If you are scared, try buying a pillow at a thrift store and test it out!
try spot shot it works the best for cleaning
I would either call Stanely Steamer to come out and clean it professionally or buy a nice slip cover for it. They look nice and can change the whole look if you like.
Add a capful of bleach to your steam cleaner and a little extra soap and very hot water. Scrub well with the attachment, and go slowly over each area. I'm sure this will work great. I would buy a matching throw blanket to lay over seat area, and lots of matching varieties of throw pillows, so next time it will be easier. :) Best of luck!