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Betta Fish dying?

So my family has had a betta fish for about a year now and recently its been acting really weird. When i woke up this morning we thought it was dead but didn't have time to deal with it and when i got home i saw the fish occasionally swimming around the bowl, and then he would lay on the bottom of the bowl. I cleaned the bowl and put him in a small jar while i was cleaning it and he was swimming around a lot and seemed perfectly normal. I put him back into the clean bowl and now he is just laying at the bottom again. Anyone have any ideas?P.S: My mother recently bought a little floating mirror for the tank and it was in there for a week or two until i noticed all the reflective material was gone and it was no longer a mirror. Could this have something to do with the fish acting weird?


Some states attempt to attract business by making laws which let employers fire workers for no reason at all. Check at a law library in your state before you cross a shyster's palm with silver that you'll never see again. I've known attorneys to make false promises to their clients about seeking remedies that, in fact, are denied by the laws of their state or by referring jurisdiction in a particular kind of case to another court where the promised remedy will be denied. If a lawyer's cheating you, then at some point he may whip out a law book (in your presence), read it for a moment while looking very studious and contemplative, and pretend to suddenly discover a legal quirk that he didn't know about before. However, it's an act. The lawyer knew all along that you were going to lose. He was just taking your money, sucker. If you happen to be Black, Mestizo, homosexual, or female, and you're able to convince a jury that you were fired because of your race or gender or sexual perversion, then you can take advantage of rights that normal White men do not have. In any such case, you might be able, not only to sue your employer for compensation, but also for punitive damages for transgressing those extra civil rights that you have (and I don't).
Simply because many people have the it won't happen to me attitude. Many driver's and even non drivers especially those who are younger, tend to think they are invincible. I think all of us at some point in our lives have felt that we can do anything, or something tragic won't happen to us. We take for granted each day that something bad can happen. I think more over it is a lack of wisdom. We as humans think we have all of the answers, when we don't, because if we did, then none of the tragedies we see daily would happen. It is all about prevention. If we heed the warnings of those who are in leadership positions, and make good choices then we will avoid the mistakes to be made.
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