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Billboard 18*3m, to install LED lights, to use a few W LED lights, use a few lights

Billboard 18*3m, to install LED lights, to use a few W LED lights, use a few lights


LED light 18 meters long, 3 meters high, with 30W distance of one meter to install one.If you use a larger number of watts, use 50W distance 1.5-2 meters to install one.If the distance is too far, irradiation can not, the effect is not good, do not say so much!To effect, then you need to use more than a few lights, we do lamps and lanterns can be very good for you to suggest.
Light is specified on the illuminated surface is higher than ambient light illumination. Also called spotlight. Usually, it can aim in any direction and have structures that are not affected by climatic conditions. Mainly used in large areas, mines, buildings, contours, stadiums, overpasses, monuments, parks and flower beds, etc.. As a result, almost all outdoor lighting fixtures are considered light emitting lamps. The angle of the outgoing beam of the light projector is wide and narrow, and the range of variation is between 0 degrees and 180 degrees, wherein the beam is especially narrow, and is called a searchlight.
50W to foot tile, or else with 70W, foot tile and insufficient tile prices vary greatly, quality is also a lot of difference, must choose foot tile quality, with 50W distance 1.5-2 meters installed one. Install one with a distance of 30W meters.

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