Buy electric basket, which needs attention?
3. finally, buy basket, the price is not considered one of the important factors, but not a decisive factor, the decision is the quality of the factors. Quality basket, especially well-known brand building basket, the price must be high, which is the general law of the market economy. If you focus on considering the price, the quality of the second, we will suffer a great deal in the basket normal and safe use of problem.
2. second, the concrete operation of the project for the production plant to examine the construction basket including: see manufacturers of steel test report, manufacturing process and a basket body lifting mechanism of welding; at the same time, the factory quality assurance system operation and customer service service products. Secondly, you also need to check the wire rope, safety lock, electrical and other major parts production certification; control of product quality when necessary, still need further examination of supporting production plant.
In the product series recommended by various manufacturers, according to the parameters determined by the construction plan of the hanging basket, the specific basket type is selected. The main body, the selected model to compare the basket that is lifting (Pa Sheng) mechanism, safety, operation platform (basket body), suspension mechanism, electrical control system and safety device quality and reliability.
When the aerial work is essential to building the basket, but it is essential to select appropriate and safe construction basket, related to the personal safety of the aerial. In the basket in the building, first to find out whether there is a production license and its level of qualification. In many production conditions of manufacturers, but also seriously review, preferential order.