The family bought a SANYO TV and sent two 3D glasses (shutter 3D glasses x2). Excuse me, can I use this glasses on my computer?My computer is NVIDIA graphics (gtx660). The monitor is PHILPS's 23 inch ipsLED.
No, 3D's imaging principle is different. Glasses are divided into several kinds, the TV industry is divided into several; the most common are red green blue and red light imaging, 45 degrees vertical polarizing glasses, polarizer, and columnar astigmatism imaging, to these corresponding glasses are not universal.
3D glasses are not universal.1.3D glasses are not universal, dividend blue, red, green, polarized, shutter glasses, different glasses look different formats of 3D movies.2 different types of 3D film can not use the same glasses.The theory can not be, in view of the cinema can only use matching glasses, but now the computer has a variety of 3D viewing software, can make the format of the 3D film output is more and more common red and blue or red format, can watch with red and blue or red green glasses, in other words, the computer can with a pair of glasses to watch 3D movies in different formats.3 red and blue color, the red color is the output format, up and down, left is the original film in the cinema format, or professional 3D TV can directly see the format, because the cinema projector or professional 3D TV hardware support, as to what kind of hardware I also not clear, you can ask the relevant people with polarization or shutter glasses you can watch, but the computer can only see the red and blue or red, not directly after or about the format of the hardware does not support.
The theory can not be, in view of the cinema can only use matching glasses, but now the computer has a variety of 3D viewing software, can make the format of the 3D film output is more and more common red and blue or red format, can watch with red and blue or red green glasses, in other words, the computer can with a pair of glasses to watch 3D movies in different formats.