I read about it in an old Mother Earth news (1993?) The car was mainly powered by the gen. The batteries would only kick-in for hills, boost of power, etc. I am interested in this design, anyone know if it works well? Can I use a 480volt 3ph gen-set to power motor/Drive for more efficiency/power? I already know about the volt,prius,leaf.
On the web a few years ago, and this was ultimately sold on OKorder; was a Geo metro that was modified to run strictly on a 10 horsepower/7500 KW Lister clone/Listeroid Diesel engine imported from India. On a level surface, it could get to 55 Mph/88KPH if you did not mind the slow acceleration. Going up hill it would slow down considerably. They ran it with WVO and did better than 75 MPG. If you stick with a lightweight car, or light small pickup truck like a Chevy Luv, or similar vintage Mazda or Datsun, you could see reasonable results. You would have tradeoffs to consider as well, since batteries are heavy. Options to consider for your use- Aircraft starter generators for the drive motors. Diesel as your fuel for your genset. If you opt for one that has limited external monitoring circuitry, that will lighten the load some.
Good luck driving a car wiht a 10 horsepower motor.
the main suitable batteries, of at present, purely artwork properly in properly defined temperature parameters. it is the crux of the subject; How do you get those batteries to accomplish wisely in sub-freezing to sahara dessert temperature swings, day in and day holiday? think of roughly it-the famous truck is designed to traverse those style of extremes in one day AND do all of it back each and every day, month after month and 300 and sixty 5 days after 300 and sixty 5 days! a real 4-season electric powered motor vehicle, which could carry out this properly, is the predicament of even the main adept engineer! Are you prepared emigrate to a functionally superb temperate section, purely topersistent an electric powered vehicle?
It would have only 13.32 hp.