Since everyone is worried about global warming and the methane gas given off by cows and pigs, what about our own human farts? Do they also contain methane? I know in high school, we used hoses to prove it is flamable (warning to children, do not attempt this in the house or elsewhere as a fire may errupt and you may also find out abount nasty burns!). So since many of our pet dogs and cats sleep under the sheets or blankets, can we human's not cause harm to their airway and brain by them breathing a reduced O2 supply and an increase in methane and other gases? Over a long period of time, espeecially those of us humans that love eating beans, what does that do to a dog or cats heath risks from us?
i have used them before during matches and they have held up to direct fire from some strong guns but if you really want to test it put it out 50 feet and shoot them and see if they hold up
Move school, city and country, change your name and start wearing a turban or a costume that covers you up completely
whose substances are poorly-resistance against lightning strikes You have a very strange concept of what metal lightning rods do. They don't resist lightning strikes, they diminish them by being connected to ground to carry off the increasing static charge that leads to a lighting stroke. And I have no idea what kind of stone roof you have in mind that erodes in rain and requires a protective coating, since stone is very resistant to rain. More than likely, a stone roof would collapse from a lighting stroke when it leaked and wetted the supports and cracks of the roof and the energy of the lightning blasted the water to steam and blew the structure apart.