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can a leaky valve covergasket or old pcv valve cause oil to burn from the exhaust?

hello my names matt and i have a 1997 eclipse 2.0 non turbo with 94k miles and the semi circul seal on my valve cover gasket has a small leak that i see oil dripping and i dont think the pcv valve has ever bin replaced could any of those cause my exhaust to burn oil maby a bad fuel injector? theres no oil in the top of the engine on the spark plugs when i check them all, the piston rings and the headgasket r not worn or cracked so idk what it could be some one please help


Valve cover gasket no PCV yes.
the valve stem seals are common leak on these I work with a lot of mitsubishi's
is it burning[smoking out the ex.] or the engine comp[on the ex? ] sorry to answ with ? A blow out pcv could suck raw oil into combustion but would probably cause rough performance . slobbering injector would dilute oil in cylinder, and would smoke especially on acell.
a leaking valve cover could only cause oil to burn when it drip,s onto the exhaust manifold that would be mainly under your hood...a plugged or bad P.C.V valve could cause crankcase pressure to build could cause minor oil consumption....if your sure your piston ring,s are in good condition then the valve seal,s would be the next suspect...change your positive crankcase ventilation valve first.....it would help to know more detail...like...does it burn more at start up or hard acceleration...that would indicate valve seal,s or guide,s....another thing would be just how much oil does it consume per mile....more detail will insure a more accurate answer...good luck!

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