The other day i was hearing about limes making your knees less darcker but i also would want to know how many times do i put it how many days how many weeks????? THANK YOU!!!
Rasberry Lime Ricky Highball Glass ? oz Chambord ? oz vodka ? oz Lime Juice FIll with Bar Mix Shake
You can change the flavor this recipe by using any flavored syrup. For a Lemon Rickey use a lemon in place of a lime. For an Orange Rickey use an orange etc. For an alcoholic version, add a 1/2 ounce of vodka INGREDIENTS 1 lime, quartered 8 fluid ounces carbonated water 1 (1.5 fluid ounce) jigger raspberry syrup DIRECTIONS Fill a tall glass with ice. Squeeze each of the lime wedges into glass, and drop in. Fill glass nearly to the top with carbonated water, and top with raspberry syrup