I'm on a well and septic system. the first pipe connection coming from the well into the utility room in the house is leaking with no real pattern, sometimes worse than others. that pipe goes straight to the air captive tank where it leaks at that connection as well probably the worst leak. from there the pipe goes through the water filter system where it leaks at the in connection as well as the out connection. this leak is just a small drip in comparison to the others.there is also a very small leak , just a few drips forming a very small puddle on a fitting to the hot water tank. is this a air tank problem as its leaking from so many sources? thank you for your time
When lightning strikes, the sound that it makes is due to the rapid heating and ionization of the air at some 50,000 degrees F. This causes a loud crack sound, also known as a thunder clap. As you get further away from where the lightning strikes, the sound from the lightning strike reverberates and reflects off of things, including the clouds themselves, so that you get a kind of rolling, rumbling sound. This is what we typically think of as thunder. If the lightning strikes something on the side of a building, you would hear any damage occurring to whatever it hits. If it hits something metal, it might make a loud Pwang! sound. Or, if it hits a piece of masonry and blows it off, it might sound like a hammer or bullet hitting the wall. But, you would also definitely get the sound of the lightning itself.
They do, but God didn't ask people to roast to death like bad-tasting chicken just because some people assume that if you have a faith then you're ignorant and have nothing to do with science. PS: I ain't Christian, not American.
Quit putting taps in it b-4 it stops working at all ,