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6-Pin Cable for Graphics Card?

Can anyone explain where I need to plug in the 6-pin cable for my ATI Radeon 1650 Pro graphics card? Or any pictures/diagrams? Thanks!


to your power supply unit
Is it the AGP model or the PCI-e model? You don't need a separate power cable for an AGP card. The 4 pin and 6 pin power connectors on the newer motherboards are for PCI-e video cards. Do you even have an AGP slot? If so, then I doubt your motherboard even has a 4pin or 6pin SLI power connector. Just plug the card into your AGP slot and that's it. If it's the PCI-e model, then see if your MB even has a 4pin or 6pin SLI power connection on it. If so then see if your power supply has a 4pin or 6pin power cable and plug it into that slot. Depending on the power supply, you may not even need the extra power connect unless you are running 2 SLI cards at once.
my PSU came with that adapter :P

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