Not that I'm afraid that in EMP bomb will happen. Is there anything that can use to protect my electronic equipment?
The military has circuitry shields to protect certain equipment from EMP damage. The best advice I can give to you is to unplug you electronic devices if you anticipate one coming.
sure... but you'll have to steal a nuclear silo to be 100% positive you are protected... they are built to withstand EMP in case of nuclear attack so they can be fired back at.... the aliens.
If your electronics are being subjected to EMP from a nuclear bomb you may have bigger problems than protecting them.
Think metal shielding. Well you should worry since an EMP blast does not need to be from an EMP bomb it can be from anything large that uses power. For example the batteries in electric posts if those blow up they send a pretty big EMP wave.
There really isn't a whole lot you can do if an EMP hits. Even unplugging devices can sometimes still not protect them. Most electronics contain capacitors. These little do-dads that make our devices work can take on too much energy and burn out. With that being said, it would also depend on the elevation of the pulse. Too high and the electromagnetic ENERGY is too spread out. Too low the EM energy isn't reflected off the Earths magnetic field enough to become focused and is absorbed by surroundings (i.e. ground, foliage, etc.) Also even if it is too low the EM energy can travel through power lines, and other cable lines and fry everything that way. Surge protectors are good way to protect them from EM overloading them via power lines. Listed below are some: 1000+ joule------Excellent 500-999 joule----Great 300-499 joule ---OK 0-300 joule--------Don't even bother