Can asbestos twisted rope and asbestos rope be replaced by one another?
Asbestos ropes, asbestos square ropes, asbestos twisted ropes, made or twisted together with spinning asbestos threads.Advantages: it is used as heat insulation material or sealing material for all kinds of heat equipment and heat transfer system. It is mainly used in high temperature sealing parts such as steel, electric power, metallurgy and so on.The international label is not clear
Asbestos rope is divided into asbestos twisted rope, asbestos braided rope, asbestos rope and asbestos square ropeAsbestos rope: divided into dust asbestos twisted rope and dust-free asbestos twisted rope two kinds, specifications have 3 - 160.0mm, asbestos woven rope specifications: 12mm - 80mm, each small package 5-10 kg, 40 kg per bag.
First of all, twisted rope is relatively loose, ropes are tight, use direction, secondly, asbestos in Europe and the United States are defined as a class of carcinogens, which belongs to the disabled products, available ceramic fiber ropes twisted rope and instead, better is the low bio resistance ceramic fiber. Beijing Fei Pufu