I read in a magazine that blue light (from skiing;blue goggles) can cause macular degeneration. I'mn worried about this because I usually sleep under blue light from a light bulb. Is this hazardous to my eyes? Is red light safer? Does (sleeping under) red light cause damage to your eyes?
Why would it? When you are asleep your eyes are closed and eyelids are Mother Natures natural protection for your eyes!
Blacklights can cause eye damage because they emit ultraviolet light. Only if the LEDs emit a lot of ultraviolet light will they cause any trouble, and then you would have to be exposed to them for quite a long time. While it's not a good idea to overdo anything, (so... don't overdo it!) I wouldn't be concerned about eye damage from a string of holiday lights.
As far as I know, red lights are harmless. Most animals and insects cannot even see red light. Photographers used to use red lights in their darkrooms because red light does not affect photo-sensitive paper and chemicals. I have not heard anything about blue-light...black light however does cause damage to the eyes.