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Can flossing break your braces brackets?

I wondered if you could break a bracket by flossing because if then i wouldn't want to floss that often.


No you can not break a bracket by flossing, unless you are like super strong and use metal floss and yank it out of your teeth. don't worry you'll be just fine!
I don't think so they r like glue on your teeth I think it won't break
No. Use a waterpik for the times you can't floss.
Well, I have braces and 2 of my brackets broke because of flossing. I recommend you to talk to your dentist, and tell them if you can get a different one instead.But i WOULD RECOMMEND YOU TO FLOSS AFTER U EAT! Very important!!!! Hope I help
No I'm pretty sure you can't but I'd recommend buying the tiny brushes you can buy as they are much more effective than flossing and you can get in to the brackets with ease.

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