Can household water purifier purify water really? Can bacteria be purified?
Yes, it is.. Good water purifier, with ultrafiltration, the filter diameter will be smaller than the diameter of bacteria... General E. coli.. Will filter, but the premise is filtered quality to pass, can not have silk leakage phenomenon... The addition of active carbon also improves the taste,.
You see what type of air purifier, you have to ask, is not final filtration, reverse osmosis, reverse osmosis water desalination, certainly not easy to breed bacteria, if only to ultrafiltration level, then you'd better drink every day just out of the water, the water for a long time it is easy to breed bacteria, the purifier in mind, only the reverse osmosis water desalination is not bacteria. You can test this is not the reverse osmosis water, take a bottle of water, put under the sun for a few days, green is not pure water desalination, is how the sun is not green.
Yes, it is.. Good water purifier, with ultrafiltration, the filter diameter will be smaller than the diameter of bacteria...General E. coli.. Will filter, quality clearance, and that is bound to be