I'm really curious, I once did that exercise where you take aluminum foil and you put it on top of a pin and you put your hands on both sides and you try to spin it with your mind and it actually worked for me! I don't know if it's because there's some sort of electro magnetic force thing that spins it from my hands or something elseDoes anyone have any thing to share? Or am I just stupid:-(
Alex and those who say that there is no telekinesis, are wrong; there's not only telekinesis but also such psi gifts as SLI (street light intrference), psychopyresis, storm control, electro-psychokinesis (not to be confused with electrokinesis), teleportation, levitation, etcSuch things are indeed possible- but like controlling your heartbeat or the amount of carbon dioxide in your lungs- it is in no way easyFor teeks, those of us who are naturally telekinetic, the trigger is a 7 Hz brainwave frequencyIn average humans, that same frequency is associated with fear, anger, hatred, and even boredom- but seldom telekinesisIf you are a latent teek, with meditation and/or biofeedback you could develop the ability but you would have to practice every damn day or you would lose itSo practice with the psi wheel, or better yet, try making a small piece of aluminum tube ove so that people can't say it was caused by heat from your hands or your breath aking it moveThink to yourself, Move, damit, MOVE! and sooner or later you might hit that trigger frequencyIt took me months of biofeedback just to get five minutes of conscious control, then lost it because I didn't practice enoughBummerGood Luck - “Psi and / or magical powers, if real, are nearly useless.” –– Larry Niven ––