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Can i create an AC generator by a fan motor?

Hey, i was wondering if a fan motor by modifying it could be converted into a generator. do you think its possible and if so how? useful links will also be appreciated


In principle, and generally speaking, motors are generators run in reverse and vice versa. A motor takes energy and creates rotary motion. A generator takes rotary motion and creates energy/electricity. However, the wisdom of using a fan motor as an AC generator is tempered by the question of efficiency. An efficient fan uses very little electricity to create a lot of rotary motion. That means if you were to use it as a generator, you'd have to expend a lot of rotary motion to create comparatively little electricity. Now it's not that you'd be better off using an inefficient fan motor -- instead you should consider that an efficient AC generator uses very little rotary motion to create a lot of electricity. Seek an efficient AC generator first -- you'll be better off in the long run.
a dc motor can be used as a dc generator also. but in the case of an ac motor, which is used inside a fan cannot be used as a generator. the reason is the difference in constructional details of an ac generator and an ac motor. but in the case of dc machines the construction of both machines are the same. the constructional characteristics of an ac generator and motor are entirely different. so it cannot be used as a generator..........
Fan motors are shaded pole, squirrel-cage induction motors. You'd have to cut away the shading rings (otherwise they will sap much of the energy you're generating) and replace the armature with a suitably-shaped permanent magnet. And that's before you even consider the resistance of the windings, which probably will be too high for you to get any useful voltage out of it. Generators are fully-commercialised. You *cannot* make one for less money than you can buy one for. It is really that simple.
Oh man I just Loved jenifers answer - very practical! For the simple reason it is impossible to reasonably convert a single phase induction motor to be a generator of useable electricity ...

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