We got a bully of an Hoa and they have put in HUGE speed bumps without any signage. i would like to take the car that we are bringing to the junk yard soon and go over it at the posted speed and send them the bill for the damage since its on private property. Dont think im just money hungry, they have been harassing the neighborhood to the point where I cant take it. They tried to evict a very nice old lady because part of her fence fell and she couldnt get it fixed for a few months and they kept at it. i just want to get back at them a bit and possibly use this instance of telling them how it was going to back fire to get the main members of the HOA board replaced. So all i want to do is go the speed limit over the bump and record it. Then send them the bill and request for smaller and more reasonable size bumps. They are 5 or so inches high and 5 or 6 feet long.
Yes, under those circumstances the kids can video tape you. They are not allowed, without your permission to make money on your likeness or personality and you can sue them for the money they made if they do. You can also get an injunction against them if they use your likeness or image for financial gain without your permission. It is illegal to record someone's voice in most states but you did not mention audio so I won't address that issue. If you are out in public you can be videotaped subject to the issues I laid out above. If you are in a private place, such as your home, the kids may not videotape you as that would be an invasion of your privacy and seclusion. Kids are stupid and no-one likes the idea of being videotaped because you never know where the video will show up. But you can do something about it: don't worry about and go about your life. No-one wants to watch a video or you getting in and out of your car unless you are famous and no-one will watch their video. Secondly, they will get bored of doing what they are doing is you ignore it. Also, you can video tape them the same way they tape you. Good Luck
It sounds like your smoke detector is NOT hooked up to the AC power lines, and the battery is going dead, as others have suggested. You can check that by turning off the main power switch. If you had the ceiling finished by someone else, maybe they will remember where the smoke detector is located. You could just put up with the beeping until it stops - after the battery has completely died - which is what I would do. Or you could buy a cheap stethoscope and go around your basement listening to the ceiling in order to locate it.