so i know that lemon juice does but what about lime cause at my house right now i only have limes.also could i have it on all night and wash it off in the morning?i know people say that freckles are cute but you wouldent find them appealing if you had them trust mee
Quicklime itself will not burn the skin upon contact, as it only reacts with water. So quicklime can be touched and handled with dry hands safely. As it reacts vigorously with water, contact with eyes, mouth, mucuous membranes in the nose or other parts of the respiratory system should be avoided, since the released heat of reaction causes burns and the formed calcium hydroxide can cause harm by its alkalinity. Never touch quicklime with wet hands, never put your hands into a vessel in with lime is slaked with water! ---------------------- I hope this is helpful.
Just order some lye. That will do the trick.
i watched this documentary series, Breaking Bad you call it, they follow these two guys selling drugs and stuff. They get into a few tight scrapes and one time they are in the position you are in, think they used some type of acid that did not burn through plastic, give it a watch, great reality show.
im a bit worried that your asking this question....
Not lime but quicklime, CaO. The common lime bought to sweeten a lawn has CaCO? as a major constitute that if heated above 825 °C drives off CO? converting it to quicklime. .