I bought a sidekick phone from t-mobile in the states. and I was wondering since it says that it's a quadband phone and unlocked, if I could use it in germany?? aren't quadband phones suppose to work everywhere in the world? could I just put a SIM card from a german provider in my phone once I get there?will it work??thx
Yep, will work. I did the same with my three-band mobile phone from the states. I also bought it from T-mobile. I am German and was in the states for some time, loved my phone and took it back home, put my old sim-card in from my prepaid phone -works! No problem, other than the language I have on my phone is English now, and T9 for texting won't work with texts in German, as the vocabulary I would need to teach my phone exceeds the capacity. So I type my texts manually. But what the heck. Phone works.